Monday, January 28, 2013

Advanced Foam Rolling:
Quads (part 1)
An addendum should be added tomorrow or the following day for things I forgot to add to this really rough primer on advanced SMR.

So many people I see using a foam roller for their quads are doing it in a way I consider ineffective.
Use just the last 8 inches or so of a foam roller to roll the quads out. And do one leg at a time. Ensure that the leg that is NOT being worked on is NOT touching the ground. This will help significantly with increasing pressure for our basic foam rolling, thus making it more effective.
Lateral displacement: this is a manner of generating shear from medial to lateral, or vice versa. This can be done easily with someone else manipulating your leg muscles, or more difficulty and with some thought, by yourself.
This is KStarr working on Pat Mendes doing the lateral displacement I was describing.
ANYONE wearing a boot with a significant heel as part of their day-in/day-out is going to have significant knee shear. Couple that with a policeman's duty belt, a fireman's rescue gear, O2 tank, and axe/other entry gear, OR an operator's primary and secondary weapon system, rucksack, and heavy, high-level body armor, and we have a recipie for disaster.
Ultra-high knee torque+shear values due to increased loading AND elevated heels = hot knees.
If you work on/train anyone in these fields make sure they are doing this RELIGIOUSLY.
If you want to keep those kinda clients remove these restrictions that I KNOW they will have in their quads early on so that their knees stay healthy/stop hurting and keep kicking ass in shady places.

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